Michigan Manufacturers Association

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The Guide To Manufacturing Skilled Trades

By Craig Manning

Lansing, Michigan

© 2024 Michigan Manufacturers Association

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Published by

Michigan Manufacturers Association | Lansing, Michigan

Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Manning, Craig.

Make your future : the guide to manufacturing skilled trades /

Craig Manning. – Lansing, MI : Michigan Manufacturers Association, 2024.

p. ; cm.

ISBN13: 978-0-9601229-0-5

1. Manufacturing industries. 2. Manufacturing industries--United States.

I. Title.

HD9720.5.M36 2024


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For more than a century, through good times and bad, the

manufacturing industry has propelled Michigan forward. In

the twenty-first century, the industry’s legacy champions

and its next generation of innovators are collaborating to

steer Michigan into a future that will continue to shape our

collective fortunes: our state’s economy, the communities

we serve, our individual businesses, and our families’

livelihoods. The modern manufacturer in Michigan is one

part inventor, one part producer, one part experimenter, one

part employer, and all things critical to our state’s success.

The Michigan Manufacturers Association (MMA) serves

as the state’s unifying champion of an industry that is

constantly evolving and growing. We represent the most

diverse manufacturing center in perhaps the entire world.

And, just as we have since the Industrial Revolution,

Michigan will continue to be the cradle of innovation and

invention for generations to come. With the sole purpose

of advocating for, supporting, training, and growing the

manufacturing industry in Michigan, our mission is clear:

to hear the industry’s voice, to unify this voice, to amplify

this voice, and to be this voice.

The MMA has both a proven track record and an unwavering

commitment to serve Michigan manufacturers through

legislative advocacy, workforce development, education,

training, networking, and cost savings. Moreover, MMA

serves as a constant, vigilant beacon for one of the world’s

most innovative, inventive, and industrious business

sectors on the planet.

For more information about the MMA, visit us online at






The Guide

To Manufacturing

Skilled Trades









The Manufacturing

Industry Isn’t What

You Think It Is

page 1

Why Not Make


page 71

Why Working in


Is Great

page 27

Some of the Many

Great Careers in


page 35

Next Steps to Take if

You’re Interested in


page 59



page 5

Manufacturing Myths

versus Facts

page 9

A life of making things.

In the simplest terms, that’s what a career

in manufacturing provides. Manufacturers

are makers and builders. From running shoes

to cars to airplanes, from computer chips

to smartphones to laptops, manufacturing

professionals are the people behind the

countless number of products, systems,

and things we use every single day.

While it’s easy to acknowledge the importance

of the work manufacturers do, it’s harder

for some people to envision doing that work

themselves. Because of misconceptions and

myths about manufacturing and what it looks

like in the twenty-first century, the industry is

sometimes incorrectly stigmatized as being a

place of menial, repetitious work that pays

poorly and simply isn’t a lot of fun.

For example, surveys have shown that fewer

than fifty percent of today’s teenagers have

any interest in manufacturing careers.1 At the







same time, many of the workers of

tomorrow are enthralled with the

idea of careers in STEM (science,

technology, engineering, and math)—

jobs that are technical, respectable,

stable, challenging, rewarding,

exciting, and high paying.

But here’s a secret few people

know: in many cases, careers in

the manufacturing sector are STEM

careers. Engineers design the

products manufacturers make and

the systems necessary to produce

them. Robotics experts program,

operate, and maintain the state-

of-the-art machines that build

things. Software developers code

the applications necessary to keep

entire factories running. These are

just a few of the STEM-heavy careers

that exist in manufacturing today,

jobs that are at the cutting edge of

innovation and that pay accordingly.

So much of the public conception

of manufacturing is based upon

what manufacturing used to be—

what the industry was many

decades ago—before technology,

safety standards, and efforts to

become environmentally sustainable

transformed it for the better. In this

book, we will take you on a journey

through what manufacturing is

today, from the technologies that

manufacturers use on a daily basis

to the innovations they are creating

to change the world.

We’ll delve into the many different

types of manufacturing, debunk

some of the aforementioned

“myths,” spotlight key jobs available

across a lengthy list of specialties

and subsectors, crunch the numbers

to yield the income potential they

offer, and tell you about the training

and education paths you’ll need

to follow if you decide a career in

manufacturing is right for you.

For so many reasons, there has

never been a better time to pursue

a career in manufacturing. Despite

widespread claims that automation

and globalization would bring about

an industry-wide decline in the

manufacturing workforce, studies

and statistics offer ample proof

that the industry is bursting with

opportunity and will continue to offer

stellar career prospects for decades

to come. Perhaps most importantly,

this work can be fun, engaging, and

rewarding, aspects that everyone

deserves from their career of choice.

Who knows? Maybe manufacturing

is that career for you. We invite you

to read on to find out.

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